Former Members

Postgraduate students

Dra. Rocío Tognacca.
Bachellor in Biological Sciences (2011), PhD student (2012-2018) and Postdoc (2018-2020) in my lab. Currently she is Post-Doc at Ezequiel Petrillo Lab at IFIByNE, CONICET-UBA.

Dra. María Teresa Sánchez Saura.
PhD student in my lab (2016-2020). Currently she is Post-Doc in the Bert De Ryvel lab at the Center for Plant Systems Biology, VIB, Belgium.

Dra. Luciana Kasulin.
PhD student (2013-2016) and Postdoc Fundación Bunge & Born (2017-2018) in my lab.

Dr. Augusto Vallejo.
Postdoc CONICET in my lab (2007-2009).

Dr. Carlos Crocco.
Bachellor in Biological Sciences (2008) and PhD student (2008-2012) in my lab. Currently he is a CONICET researcher at IFEVA, CONICET-UBA.

Dra. Silvia Ibarra.
PhD student, Agronomy School, FAUBA in my lab (2008-2012).

Magister Ing. Agr. Diego Mata.
Magister student, Agronomy School. FAUBA in my lab (2008-2010).

Visiting Members

2021-2022 Felipe Arath Mácias López.
Bachelor in Biology, Faculty of Sciences, UNAM, Mexico.


2019. Ing. Agr. Justo Pons. Agonomy School. UBA.
2016. Ing. Agr. Enrique Agustín Lizarazu. Agonomy School. UBA.
2015. Ing. Agr. Gabriel Gomez Ocampo. Agonomy School. UBA.
2014. Ing. Agr. Felipe Andres Kleine. Agonomy School. UBA.
2013. Ing. Agr. Gonzalo De Ezcurra. Agonomy School. UBA.
2012. Ing. Agr. Marina Polosa. Agonomy School. UBA.
2012. Ing Agr. Marcos Enrique Roberts. Agonomy School. UBA.
2011. Lic. Rocio Tognacca. Biological Sciences. Belgrano University.
2010. Technical Hilda Latacheff. FAUBA.
2008. Lic. Carlos Crocco. Biological Sciences. FCEN, UBA.
2008. Lic María Paula Laserna. Biological Sciences. FCEN, UBA.